Ok, so yes, I know it has been a while. But seriously I have been so busy here. After Kristi had her baby we had to get ready for a birthday party for the kids. We always have some project to finish before a party, this time we were building cabinets!! We finished them at 7am the day of the party (we went to sleep at 7.30am, woke at 10, the party was at 2, LOL!! Crazy!). We ended up having 9 kids and 4 parents spend the night. It was a ton of fun!! Then, after a few days of recuperating, we had to head out of town again for my sister Karla's bridal shower. We are going to GA for her wedding next weekend! I am so not used to having so much going on! I don't think I have even checked facebook in like 2 wks!! LOL!! I have like a list of things I want to blog about and no time to do it! I try to blog after the kids are in bed (which is my only time to really sit and do it uninterrupted) and I end up falling asleep every night!
Anyway, here are the pictures I promised. Kristi and Jackson in the Kozy. These were taken when he was like 12 hrs old!! I didn't want Kristi to have to get out of the bed but I was anxious to capture his first "ride" on camera so we just had her sit up in bed and tie him on!!

Ah, I love it when they are so close you can just lean over and kiss their little head!!!
Here are some pictures from 2 wks later, at my sister Karla's Bridal Shower
(which we had at Kozy)

Jackson and mama

Jackson and GG
(his great grandma, our moms mom who recently turned 80)

The 3 newest grandbabies (numbers 12, 13 and 14). Jackson (2 wks) Thrace (4 1/2mo) and Shiloh (3mo)

OK so NOT Jackson, LOL!! But I had to throw this in because they are cute! Ever and Thrace lying with Polywhirl (the cat who really isn't supposed to be in the house but he is such a good sweet and tolerant cat that sometimes I let it slip).