Hey guys!! So I have been doing a lot of online shopping and it seems there are always Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales. This time of year I spend so much time trying to figure out how and what I am going to buy for 6 kids (among others in the family) that I tend to forget that . . . hey . . . y'all are just like me and want to save some $$ too!! So when a customer suggested we do a Black Friday sale we were like . . . duh, of course, LOL!!
From Midnight to Midnight on Friday Nov 25 (2011) we will give you a $20 rebate on your order. Just put the words "black friday" in the comment section and when Kristi processes your order she will send you $20 back!!
Don't forget to tell your friends and family!! Pass the word so that we all can save some money and share the (Kozy) love!!