Anyway, Kristi has like a ton of friends, so we just threw her a family (and extended family) shower. We did it at Kozy because that is where we have many of our gatherings . . . it is big and there is a kitchen and a huge TV and plenty of room for the kids to run around and play. I believe we had around 20 adults and 16 kids. It was a great time!!
This post is picture heavy!!
Kristi showing off her "big fat belly" (as she calls it) beside a "big fat stack" of Kozys!!

Playing Games
This is the dirty diaper game (one of many we played) . . . it was gross but fun. Our sister Kim set it up and it was SO funny seeing all the 'adults' with their noses in diapers. But the grossest part was after the shower she and the kids were eating all the candy bars from inside the diapers (the ones who were brave enough to touch them).
Ever came up to me and said he wanted more poop . . . too much!!!

Gathering around for the best part . . . presents!!!
(I gave her a Panel Kozy, homemade ring sling, stretchy wrap, homemade baby blanket and burp rags and a lambskin . . . but there is so much more I think she NEEDS, LOL!! Don't get me started on the list of books I want to get for her!)

Ever since Kristi found out she was expecting she can hardly talk about it without breaking down in tears . . . and who can blame her? She cried probably every 10 min. during the shower, I caught a few of those moments.

Kristi, we all love you so much and so grateful to God for you and little Jackson Lee. We are praying for a wonderful birth and a healthy mom and baby! We can't wait to see his little face and sniff his newborn head . . . and see him take his first ride in a Kozy!!
You and Chris are going to be great parents! I can't wait to see y'all with Jackson in your arms!!
You and Chris are going to be great parents! I can't wait to see y'all with Jackson in your arms!!
Oh, how sweet! It looks like she had an awesome shower! I've played that diaper game before. It is SO FUNNY! I've got a couple of friends at church who are expecting again, so maybe we can do that again. LOL!