(excuse the horrible pictures, my good camera's battery charger died UGH).

Finished scrub

I know I mentioned this scrub in my post about washing your face with oil.
I use it in the mornings. Actually I really love to put it on before taking a shower, then I leave it on my face and rinse at the end of the shower. It makes my skin feel really good and it tastes good too!!
Honey is SO good for you!! I am anxious to get bees some day so we can produce our own. Most people thing of honey as something they put on their chicken nuggets or use on a sandwich with peanut butter, or maybe as a healthy alternative to sugar. But it is good for far more than that. I could write a whole post about it, but for now just a few things . . . It's antibacterial/antiseptic/antimicrobial properties are good for a wide range of uses. Not only is raw local honey great for allergies, but you can even use it on cuts and burns to heal and prevent infections. Midwives have been using it on perineal tears and it is soothing for other illnesses like colds etc.
For skin, not only does it kill bacteria but it is a humectant and helps to hydrate the skin, it is also thought to be a great anti-aging treatment.
Anyway, go to Benefits Of Honey for info on it's many uses and even some recipes.
I use it in the mornings. Actually I really love to put it on before taking a shower, then I leave it on my face and rinse at the end of the shower. It makes my skin feel really good and it tastes good too!!
Honey is SO good for you!! I am anxious to get bees some day so we can produce our own. Most people thing of honey as something they put on their chicken nuggets or use on a sandwich with peanut butter, or maybe as a healthy alternative to sugar. But it is good for far more than that. I could write a whole post about it, but for now just a few things . . . It's antibacterial/antiseptic/antimicrobial properties are good for a wide range of uses. Not only is raw local honey great for allergies, but you can even use it on cuts and burns to heal and prevent infections. Midwives have been using it on perineal tears and it is soothing for other illnesses like colds etc.
For skin, not only does it kill bacteria but it is a humectant and helps to hydrate the skin, it is also thought to be a great anti-aging treatment.
Anyway, go to Benefits Of Honey for info on it's many uses and even some recipes.
Honey Almond Face Scrub
This is so easy to make. I recycle little jars for my oils, homemade ointments and stuff like that. You can use old lotion jars or even baby food, pimento etc. jars.
All you need is . . . .
All you need is . . . .
- A little jar
- honey
- almonds
- coffee grinder
First thing to do is grind your almonds in the coffee grinder. The amount of almonds you add to your jar is up to you. My jar held like 5 Tbsp of liquid. I filled it just under 1/2 way with ground almonds. Try to get them as small as possible and remove any big chunks that don't get ground up well. You know the baking aisle of most stores has those small packets of nuts for like $1, that is usually a good size to buy.
Then I filled the jar to the top with honey and mixed it all up.
That is it!!
I don't want to add water because water adds moisture and I know that added moisture to homemade items can increase the likelihood of it going bad. Not sure if this would, but it just isn't needed anyway.
Honey IS really sticky but if you put it on a wet face it rubs in really well. So start by wetting your face. It is a nice gentle scrub and feels really good, not harsh at all.
You may find that your scrub needs to be mixed before each use. With natural stuff like this there are not artificial ingredients added to suspend your solids in your liquid. It is no biggie though. I just stick a finger in, mix it up, and then use what is left on my finger on my face.
Then I filled the jar to the top with honey and mixed it all up.
That is it!!
I don't want to add water because water adds moisture and I know that added moisture to homemade items can increase the likelihood of it going bad. Not sure if this would, but it just isn't needed anyway.
Honey IS really sticky but if you put it on a wet face it rubs in really well. So start by wetting your face. It is a nice gentle scrub and feels really good, not harsh at all.
You may find that your scrub needs to be mixed before each use. With natural stuff like this there are not artificial ingredients added to suspend your solids in your liquid. It is no biggie though. I just stick a finger in, mix it up, and then use what is left on my finger on my face.

Thank you so much for posting up this. Like you I have struggled with my skin my whole adult life. I've just started using the ocm and this scrub each day and I'm already happy with the results. A real epiphany to just go to the kitchen to make my face cleansers.... I may never buy a commercial face wash again!
ReplyDeleteThis looks really good, going to go buy the ingredients today! I tried the ocm last night with some sweet almond oil I had and was amazed at how clean and soft my face felt! Thanks for the tips. One thing, how long do you think the scrub keeps once made? Wondering how big a batch to make at a time.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for the info!!!
Kara xx
I'm not sure how long it keeps. I usually make just a few oz at a time (whatever fits in my little glass jar) because the smaller amount is easier to mix up before using (you know, since the almonds rise to the top) and it is easy to make so I never needed a lot. If you can keep water out of it I imagine it will keep for a very long time since honey has antibacterial properties (anytime you introduce water to these type of things it decreases it's shelf life). After a period of time, your honey may start to crystallize as it gets older. But that is OK as I have found that the little granules in the crystallized honey are also great for scrubbing the skin (if I can find crystallized honey I will sometimes skip the almonds altogether).
Thanks, I got some almonds whilst out today so I shall give it a go, found a tiny little cranberry jelly jar in the cupboard that should be a good size. Thanks again! Kara xx