*** Important Update**** I have split this blog into two. I am keeping this site for all the Kozy Carrier related information and updates, and I started a new blog for all the other stuff (family stuff, thoughts on parenting, birth, natural living, crafts, recipes etc). I have imported all the relevant posts from this blog over there. So come check it out www.entergentlyblog.blogspot.com

Saturday, December 3, 2011

New Kozy Affiliate Program!!

Over the years SO many of you have told us about how, when you are out with your little one in the Kozy, you get stopped numerous times by people asking questions, wanting to know what the Kozy is, where they can get one etc.  And of course, as fans, knowing the benefits of babywearing, y'all are always eager to share the Kozy love with others.  We know how important word of mouth is.  And now we want you to know how important you are to us.  So finally, after discussing this for a long time, we have figured out a way for us to thank YOU for taking the time to share us with your friends, family, and all those strangers who stop you in stores and on the street.

So we have devised this affiliate program.  Basically, you give out "coupons" to friends, family, strangers whom you think will be interested in, or could benefit from wearing their little ones in the Kozy.  The benefit for them is that, if they have this coupon, they can get a rebate on their purchase of a Kozy.  The benefit for you?  Well,  for everyone who buys a Kozy using the coupon you gave them, YOU get a rebate too!!

Go HERE for more information and to sign up to get your affiliate number (so that we know who you are).

Wearing your baby, sharing the love and making some money . . . doesn't get much better than that (well, at least in my world, LOL)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Kozy 'Black Friday' Sale . . . 11.25.11

Hey guys!!  So I have been doing a lot of online shopping and it seems there are always Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales.  This time of year I spend so much time trying to figure out how and what I am going to buy for 6 kids (among others in the family) that I tend to forget that . . . hey . . . y'all are just like me and want to save some $$ too!!  So when a customer suggested we do a Black Friday sale we were like . . . duh, of course, LOL!!

From Midnight to Midnight on Friday Nov 25 (2011) we will give you a $20 rebate on your order.  Just put the words "black friday" in the comment section and when Kristi processes your order she will send you $20 back!!  

Don't forget to tell your friends and family!!  Pass the word so that we all can save some money and share the (Kozy) love!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Get a Melissa & Doug 25% Off Coupon When You Take the North "Poll"

Melissa & Doug want you to tell them which of their educational toys you think is the best! Just click on the image below to place your vote in the North "Poll!" You'll Get a Melissa & Doug 25% Off Coupon** to use at MelissaAndDoug.com just for voting!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Free Shipping for International Babywearing Week Oct 10-16

Ya, you read that right!!
Kozy in Blackbranch with Black Canvas
In honor of this International Babywearing Week this week we're offering FREE domestic shipping, and $12 off international shipping for this week, Oct 10-16! Just put the code "IBW" in the notes field of your shopping cart, and your shipping charge savings will be refunded to you.
And spread the word, not just about savings at Kozy but about Babywearing in general.   Regardless of the carrier you may choose, we want to see more people wearing their babies and more parents and babies experiencing the benefits that babywearing provides!! 

Happy Babywearing Week!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

September "Fabric De Jour" Event!!

This is me, wearing a 1 yr old Piper back in 2003 in one of the very first prints we offered.  I called it 'black flowers'
Since summer is coming to an end, kids are going back to school, vacation time all used up etc. we thought . . . hey, we don't want the fun to be over!!
So for the month of September, we are going to feature one fabric per day.  We will post that fabric on the wall of our FACEBOOK page HERE along with some interesting information about it's namesake (hmmm, geography lesson for the kids?).  It's a way to highlight the lovely state in which we live (since all our fabrics are named after cities, towns, and hollers in the Commonwealth of VA.) And as a bonus, for those that leave a comment or "like" the fabric each day, we will be doing a weekly drawing for an exclusive coupon. At the end of the month, we will have a grand prize drawing from all the entries for a free Kozy for you or for a friend!  (woohoo . . . how's that for fun!!).

So check the Kozy Carrier facebook page daily and look for our 'featured fabric' wall post to comment or like the fabric.  Shoot, maybe you will even see the fabrics in a different 'light'.

1. One entry per day
2. Weekly coupon valid on regular priced Kozys only
3. Weekly and Grand Prize winners will be announced on our fan page, and will be notified privately via message.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!

Love, love, love me some Phil Wickham!!  Enjoy!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Finally! Dagyn's Unassisted Waterbirth Story

Well after some computer issues (where I lost the story and had to retype it all UGH) and some internet issues (several days where it was out) and some blog issues (basically it is a PITA to put pictures in with text in blogger) I FINALLY have the birth story posted!!

It is long (not the birth, the story) because I record all my thoughts/feelings and the events. I find that the more I do it, the more I want to record everything so I can 'relive' it when I read it years later.

I had mentioned that I was splitting the blog in two.  I am keeping this blog for all the Kozy related stuff and updates (and there are plenty to share) but I started a new blog where I could focus on just the opinion, craft, family, natural living, birth etc. stuff (and there is even MORE of that to share, LOL).  I felt like it was getting all mixed up with everything here on this blog.  I imported all the relevant posts from here to there, though I will leave them here on this site for a while longer.

I figured Dagyn's Birth Story could be the first new post over there. I have lots of birth pictures and video stills. So go check it out if you dare (or have time for a novel) . . . 

And come follow me over there (as of right now, since it is new, I have 0 followers . . . so lonely . . . LOL).

Friday, March 11, 2011

Dagyn Beannacht Mason

 Thanks everyone for the kind words and congrats!!  We are really enjoying our little guy!  On his 1 week birthday last night we all laid hands on him and thanked God for a safe birth, a healthy baby and for future health and happiness for him.

A minute or so after birth
 I have been informed (thanks KM) that I neglected to announce the name we chose for our little one! (bad Kelley, bad Kelley).  At about 2 days old we settled on Dagyn Beannacht.  
With his placenta, a few hours after birth
Dagyn is pronounced Day-gin (like Meagan).  There are many different ways you can spell it and apparently each spelling can also be pronounced differently.  This spelling is often pronounced like da-jin but that was a bit 'Sweedish' for us so we are sticking with pronouncing it our way.  The name is Hebrew for 'grain or wheat' or gaelic for 'dark haired'. Since neither of those applied to our Dagyn we went with the Gaelic word Beannacht, which means "blessing".  It is pronounced like Bannock but with a "t" at the end.

first bath, less than 1 day old

I have really enjoyed my week in bed!  I am pretty sad the week is over, it went by WAY too fast.  I loved just cuddling up with him and nursing and having everyone take care of me and bring me food (and we have SO much great food here . . . which is good because I am always very hungry and everything tastes SO good!!).  I plan to continue to take it easy for as long as possible.
We actually went out for the first time today.  We went by a friends house, the chiropractor, and to JoAnns so I could get some fabric to make him a baby blanket.  I usually love going out with my newborns and showing them off to people.  But I was really anxious to come home and crawl in bed and cuddle again.

1st picture of the family together . . . 1 day after birth
Hopefully this weekend I can get the new blog up and running, get some 'stills' off of the video camera and get the birth story (which is pretty much finished) posted.

It is March 10! Today is my EDD!

(been trying to post this all day, but my internet went out so it is going out a bit late).

I figured I'd still be pregnant today, but instead I have this . . . .

And if I were to still be pregnant, I suppose it would be something like this . . .

Still working on the birth story.  Just because the labor was shorter apparently doesn't mean my story is, LOL! For those of you who have read my birth stories, you know that they are like novels!  I am so long winded but I just want to make sure I get all my thoughts and feelings down so I don't forget them. 

I'll try to post more pictures soon though, assuming my internet doesn't crap out on me again, ugh.

Friday, March 4, 2011

It's a BOY!! and baby/pregnancy pictures

Yes, another boy!  That makes 5 boys (and 1 girl).  
 Born unassisted at home in the water (dad and most of the kids were right there, the little ones and Grammy missed it by less than a minute . . . though granted, after pushing for over 2 hrs I didn't give them much 'heads up' when it was finally time, so only the fastest ones made it in the room LOL!!).
My earliest baby, born at 39 wks exactly.  Weighing 8.4 and 22 1/4" long with a 14 inch head.  I had wanted to go late but thank goodness I didn't!!  He would have been over 9lbs!  No name yet, we'll figure that one out soon.

I should be able to get the birth story out within a week.  I had been planning on splitting up this blog into 2.  One for the opinion/personal stuff and then keeping this one for just the Kozy related stuff where I can put all the updates and new stuff (because we have new stuff I have neglected to post about).  So I am thinking if I can get my act together I can start the new blog with the birth story (I have already duplicated most of my non-kozy posts from here, over there)  We'll see.  But I'll let y'all know.

Anyway I had this whole post planned out with all my pregnancy pictures.  I was going to post it yesterday at 39 wks but . . well, I had a baby instead. LOL.  So I am going to go ahead and post all the pictures since I already had them downloaded and in here ready to post.

So I had a professional photographer come over on Tues (just 2 days before he was born) to take pregnancy pictures.  It was FREE because she wanted more photos for her portfolio . . . score for me!!

 I am 38.5 wks in these . . . little did I know that in 2 days . . . 

Here are pictures of my belly/baby growing.  I was trying to be really good to take pictures consistently this time, with the same clothes and the same pose.  It is so cool being able to go back and see the body changing, AND to compare my body/belly from this last pregnancy to the others.

12 wks

16 wks

20 wks

24 wks

28 wks

32 wks

36 wks

38 wks

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Valentines Day 2011

Yes, Yes, I am still here.  I have just been busy sewing panel Kozys in whatever spare time I have (where I have energy to do anything ;0)  SO much I want to blog about and like NO extra time!  There are a million things I want to do and I am almost 38 wks YIKES!!

Anyway, I made a bunch of stuff for Christmas (necklaces for the neices, and silk/velvet purses) but I forgot to get pictures.  I did get pictures of the soap we made, I'll post those soon.  
I did manage to take some pictures of some of our Valentines creations (and we made Valentine lighted Jars, but no pictures).

I was hoping to post these before V-day but, well a week late will have to do.  We had a Valentines gathering with our local families for natural living group so we made cards and treats to share.

First my favorite of all . . . . . dipped pretzels
I thank my friend Barbara for these.  She gave us some for Christmas.  I was like eeeh, pretzels are not my favorite . . . that is until I took a bite!!  They have a layer of CARAMEL and then chocolate!  They are like a candy bar . . . SOOOOO good!!  So of course I had to make some.   Yes, I used icky food coloring to make them more festive.  I'll do another post about how to make them (super easy).

Then the kids got to making Valentines for their friends and Piper and Ever wanted to make bags to hold their Valentines.

Piper and Ever love doing crafts the most

We made butterfly valentines, another idea I got from Family Fun.  We made them differently though.  I cut out butterfly shapes from construction paper and the kids decorated them with markers, glitter, stickers, etc.  Then I taped a roll of smarties in the middle.  Fairly easy and quick and they really enjoyed it.

Here are some Valentines with the bags that Piper and Ever made (just took gift bags, covered with construction paper and made faces etc.).  Pipers is of course Pikachu (pokemon for those of you who don't know, but I am sure most of you do ;0)  She did the whole thing herself, and she helped Ever with his heart man.

Hope all of y'all had a wonderful Love Day!!